Category: Uncategorized

  • A good time had by all on the mountain

    We managed to make it up into the mountains to watch the last blood moon and lunar eclipse.  We took this pictures and then filmed the eclipse with time lapse. I think they turned out pretty good and we had a good time up in the hills.  

  • Crater Lake Ride

    Took a little ride to Crater Lake and back on the bike with some good friends.  Wow…  what a view and what a ride.  Enough said. Be sure to click the HD version of the video if it doesn’t automatically start that way. And for a fun little movie, play it at x2 speed.

  • Southern Oregon’s Beautiful Weather & Scenery

    Playing in the mountains last week…  what a great way to spend some time off and relax.

  • Roscoe Playing in the Mountains

    So I took Roscoe up into the mountains to play last week and he found me a stick to play fetch with…  more of a log really, but he loved it.  We had some fun and enjoyed the day…  Roscoe even started shivering after getting out of the water, but he would have kept it…

  • Boatnik 2015 Hydroplane Races

    Managed to get a front row seat (rock) on the Rogue River so I could watch part of the Boatnik Hydroplane Races.  Pretty cool…  but I’d rather be racing than watching… I think maybe I’ll see what Dad’s doing with the racing boat we built 30 years ago.

  • Off Pavement Action on Onion Mt.

    What my bike was made for…  and what fun!! [sgpx gpx=”/wp-content/uploads/gpx/Onion Mt. Road.gpx”] the GPX file by ‘right clicking’ on it and then ‘Save As’.

  • Northern Cali

    A buddy and I took a trip down into Northern California on our bikes.  Here’s a few pictures and a few videos…  This was the first time using the video camera on the bike, so there was a learning curve…  and in fact I’m still figuring it out, but all in all not too bad.…

  • Bear Camp Road March 2015

    I took the bike over Bear Camp Road for the first time this year on the 26th of March.  It was nearly 80 degrees here in the Rogue Valley, nice and cool up at elevation with even a little snow in the shade still, and downright chilly at speed over on the coast in the…

  • Another Local Newscast for LifeGuard 9

    LifeGurad 9 is the designation for our helicopter here for Oregon Lifeguard.  This story interviews a gentleman that we helped get to the hospital.  I was the RN on the flight and Ian Phillips was the medic.

  • NVG’s

    So here’s a little video of looking through the Night Vision Goggles…  pretty cool.  They magnify the ambient light by 10,000 times.  You can literally see in the dark.  All three crew members wear them during night ops.