Read All About It

Not the most flattering article I’ve read, but it does show what we’re dealing with bringing in a new company and breaking into the ‘Old Boys Club’…  It’s a little hard to read here, but the bottom line is that there are some people in the community (Fire Chiefs and others) who want to stick with the more established company that has been providing Air-EMS to the area…  And we’re trying to say that we’re going to be faster and closer to utilize than the other company.  It’s an educational process and barrier breaking task…  but we’ll get there.

One response to “Read All About It”

  1. Thanks for the info – since my geek is off on a cruise I don’t know how to make this large enough to read but Alicia is here with me while DD is gone so she told me the jist of the article. Looks like it will be a politicin’ battle for a while. Hope all of you in the company have joined the Chamber of Commerce, Jaycees, etc. – that should help get you established.

    Good luck!

    Since my geek is off on a cruise, I don’t know how to make this large enough to read. However, Alicia is herre with me while DD is gone and she told me the jist of the article. Sounds like there will be some politicin’ going on. Hope you all have joined the Chamber of Commerce, Jaycees, etc

    Good luck!

    this large enough for me to read – however Alicia is here to stay with me while DD and Robin are gone and she told me the jist of the article. Sounds like your company has a hard row to hoe with all the politicin’ that will be going on. Some people just don’t like change.

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